Faculty present on The Archive of Workplace Writing Experiences project at CCCCs 2017

In March 2017, Brian Fitzpatrick, Assistant Professor at GMU, and Jessica McCaughey, Assistant Professor at George Washington University (and Mason alum and PhD student in the Writing and Rhetoric Program!) presented at the 2017 Conference for College Composition and Communication in Portland, Oregon, about their ongoing research and digital repository project, The Archive of Workplace Writing Experiences. The archive is an online collection of audio interviews from working professionals in a variety of different industries. The project is grounded in research about writing “transfer.” Interviewees discuss how and what they write in their specific workplaces, how they translated college writing skills into that field, what “successful” writing looks like where they are, and what students across disciplines need to develop in their writing as they look towards the future. Interviews also explore new ways of considering central transfer concepts like genre and metacognition.

To see the archive, for more information, or to volunteer to be interviewed for the project, please visit www.workplace-writing.org. For project updates, please follow https://www.facebook.com/ArchiveofWorkplaceWritingExperiences/.