Composition Program Social Media Takeover

Composition Program Social Media Takeover

We want to know what you are doing in your ENGH 100, ENGH 101, and ENGH 302 classes and for you to have the opportunity to share that work with others!

  • First, make sure your writing is appropriate for a public audience
  • Then, decide which social media platform(s) to post to (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
  • Finally, include in your post tags to the GMU Department of English and GMU pages and the two hashtags here
  • Keep an eye out - your work could be featured or shared!

Instagram: @gmu_English and @GeorgeMasonU

Twitter: @GMU_English and @GeorgeMasonU

Facebook: @GMUEnglish and @GeorgeMason 

#WritingatGMU #CompatGMU